搜索 mysql 共找到 8 条记录
Docker   2023-12-11 17:17   164   0  
Docker   2023-12-07 10:03   148   0  
Docker   2023-12-13 17:14   61   0  
Docker   2023-12-10 11:15   20   0  
Docker   2023-12-08 20:37   10   0  
PHP   2023-11-16 08:49   39   0  
CentOS   2023-06-01 09:53   33   0  
CentOS服务器设置本地数据库可以被连接的命令行: mysql -u root -p; grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%' identified by 'mima' with grant option; flush privileges; exit; service mysqld restart;